Vehicles are a dependable machine most people require to get to and from work, run errands, and get to other destinations. Where other options may do in a pinch, most prefer having their own method of travel. Vehicles do wear and tear with time and use. Regular tune-ups and maintenance services can help avoid breaking down, but they can still occur. Transmission issues is one of these problems that can cost a lot of money to be repaired if it’s severely damage as it is continued to be ignored. Today, we at NonStop Towing would like to share the signs the transmission is in poor shape.
Transmission Fluid Leak
You are likely dealing with a gap in your transmission system should you notice transmission fluid stains on the pavement underneath your car. Leaks can derive from the fluid lines, pan gasket, or the torque converter seal. Though greasy stains are separate issue, fluid that looks redo or green in color suggests a transmission fluid leak.
Transmission Clunk when Slowing Down
Chances are your transmission is starting to malfunction in the event you notice abnormal sounds as you change gear. A clunking sound is especially a red flag. In order to avoid further damage being done to your transmission system, you should get your vehicle to the nearest mechanic.
Transmission Smells Like Burnt Rubber
Any vehicle emitting a burning odor is never good. One of the biggest issues when smelling burning odor, is a bad transmission box. Known to cause a strange smell of chemicals and oil burning is transmission oil overheating. Should smell any burning odors, get a professional to check it out immediately.
Gears Grinding
The signs of transmission problems will differ depending on whether you drive an automatic or a manual. You will likely see a change in RPM, followed by a very noticeable pull during a change of gear in automatic transmissions. The symptoms in manual transmission are not similar as you can hear gears grinding which points to one of the transmission’s synchronizers needs to be replaced or that the clutch is worn out.
Transmission Problems when Shifting Gears
Some transmission issues do not manifest while driving, but will instead manifest in neutral, such as hearing bumping sounds. Transmission fluid, which is a simple fix, can be the culprit. However, there can be more severe causes which requires an expert mechanic.
Check Engine Light
Something being wrong with your transmission system is also indicated by the dashboard lights. Equipped with several computers that run sensors that monitor different mechanical components, modern cars are sophisticated machines. In the event there is trouble with your vehicle, a dedicated dashboard light indicating the problem is highly likely to inform you. When these lights on the dashboard illuminate, they should never be ignored, otherwise, you will increase the damage and the raise the cost for repairs.
Towing & Roadside Assistance in Summerlin, North LV, Henderson, Enterprise, Paradise, Sunrise Manor, Spring Valley, Aliante, Anthem, Desert Shores, Eldorado, Green Valley Ranch, Inspirada, Mountain’s Edge, Peccole Ranch, Providence, Rhodes Ranch, Seven Hills, Silverado Ranch, The Lakes, Tuscany Village & Las Vegas, Nevada
Should you experience transmission issues, or any other motor problem, especially if your Las Vegas, NV mechanic is a considerable distance away, contact Nonstop Towing for a towing service. Our experts can tow your vehicle to your mechanic for repairs instead of adding more damage to the problem at hand.