There are lots of things that could go wrong with your vehicle. The car or truck that you are driving around is needed to get you around and keep you on track. Most people don’t have time to stop and have car trouble but it does happen. When you start to have car trouble it is a good idea to know what the issue is and if you need to have mechanical attention. There are some issues that are repaired when you perform the necessary maintenance that you vehicle requires. There are other problem that can be much worse and might mean you need to pull off the side of the road. The car should not be operated when certain signs start to appear and smoke coming from the exhaust is one of them. You can call to have your car towed so that you do not do any more damage. NonStop Towing outlines what the color of your exhaust smoke can be and what it means to help you avoid getting stranded!
Blue Smoke from Exhaust when Accelerating
One of the colors that you might see coming from your exhaust is blue. It can come from the exhaust when you accelerate the car or even when you are slowing down. The most common reason that you will have blue smoke coming from your car is when there is an oil leak. The oil leak can be mixed with gas and that will create smoke that has a blue tint to it. This is a sign that the car should not be used until it has been checked out. There can be secondary reasons that the blue smoke is being created such as cylinder walls that are worn or even a valve seal that has a leak. You want to have your car towed to be checked out and repaired.
Grey Smoke from Exhaust on Startup
Your car is not mean to have a steady line of any color smoke and is usually a bad sign. When there is grey smoke that is constantly coming out of your car it is often a sign that the head gasket has been damaged or blown. When the engine has been compromised like that the coolant will leak in areas is should not be and that will create grey smoke. You need to stop using the car right away and towed to the mechanic of your choice.
Black Smoke from Exhaust when Revving
The other color that you might see when you have smoke coming from your car or truck is black. The black smoke is something that you do not want to see and is often a sign that the manifold is blocked or that a filter has become clogged. When you are seeing black exhaust from the car it also coincides with your fuel efficiency. If you start to see that your gas is not going as far as it used to and the smoke is black you need repair.
White Smoke from Exhaust when Starting
If you are seeing white smoke from the exhaust it can simply be vapor that is coming from the temperature. This is not a bad sign but once you get going and the air warms up it should not occur any longer. If the smoke continues after it can be a problem with other areas of your car that will need a mechanic to determine and make the repairs.
Towing & Roadside Assistance Services in Summerlin, North LV, Henderson, Enterprise, Paradise, Sunrise Manor, Spring Valley, Aliante, Anthem, Desert Shores, Eldorado, Green Valley Ranch, Inspirada, Mountain’s Edge, Peccole Ranch, Providence, Rhodes Ranch, Seven Hills, Silverado Ranch, The Lakes, Tuscany Village & Las Vegas, Nevada
NonStop Towing can come out to your location to tow your car if it starts to emit colored smoke from the exhaust. Call us today!